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 Online Journal of Bioinformatics © 

  Volume 15 (1): 133-140, 2014


ASPMP – A Biochemical Pathway Resource for Aspergillus terreus NIH2624


T.K. Subazini (PhD) and G. Ramesh Kumar*(PhD)


AU-KBC Research Centre, MIT Campus of Anna University, Chromepet, Chennai, India.




T.K. Subazini (PhD) and G. Ramesh Kumar* ASPMP – A Biochemical Pathway Resource for Aspergillus terreus NIH2624, Onl J Bioinform 15 (1): 133-140, 2014. Reconstruction of genome-scale metabolic pathway is an essential task for facilitating various analysis and simulation to understand cellular processes in Aspergillus terreus. The study of biochemical pathways in A. terreus enables to identify key regulators for modification to enhance the yield of industrial product lovastatin. ASPMP (Aspergillus terreus metabolic pathway) database is developed for the analysis of pathways in A. terreus NIH2624. The database is created by BLASTing protein sequences of A. terreus against closely related Aspergillus species such as A. oryzae, A. niger and A.nidulans to generate an initial set of reactions. In addition, enzymes from the functional reannotation data using integrated reannotation approach is used for updating the reaction set. From the updated reaction set, metabolic pathways are constructed using Graphviz and are stored in ASPMP. This database ( provides option for search using an EC number or pathways and for creating new networks for a set of reactions with their catalyzing enzymes using ASPMP.


Keywords: Aspergillus terreus, reannotation, network expansion, pathway reconstruction