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 Online Journal of Bioinformatics © 

Volume 13(2):314-330, 2012.

Characterization of Coilin protein nucleotide binding region in Homo sapiens


Aubhishek Zaman


Molecular Biology Laboratory, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and  Department of Genetic engineering and Biotechnology, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh,.



Zaman A., Characterization of Coilin protein nucleotide binding region in Homo sapiens, Online J Bioinform, 13(2):314-330, 2012. Coilin proteins are an integral part of Cajal bodies, subnuclear structures responsible for biogenesis of telomerase and ribonucleoprotein. In silico nucleotide binding region of Coilin is described. The region showed a long trench-like groove suggesting presence of a long nucleotide sequence as ligand. Sequence variation in the region may account for variation in embryogenesis across a diverse array of species. Variation may have occurred over the course of evolution as the sequence might be responsible for binding the nucleotide sequence non-specifically. The stretch of positive charges found in the region may be significant.


Keywords: Coilin protein, Cajal body, Ribonucleoprotein, Dot matrix plot, Xenopus laevis, Molecular docking