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Online Journal of Veterinary Research©


 Volume 22 (4):330-339, 2018.

Effect of live truck transport on cortisol, hematologic and electrocardiographic values in donkey Equus africanus asinus.


AS Samimi.


Department of Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran




Samimi SA., Effect of live truck transport on cortisol, hematologic and electrocardiographic values in donkey Equus africanus asinus. Onl J Vet Res., 22 (4):330-339, 2018. Ten healthy domestic and 10 miniature donkeys of various ages and sex were transported 6-hours in a closed truck on a flat road for 360 km at 45-55 km/hr without abrupt acceleration or deceleration. There was no access to water and feed and animals were not allowed to unload and rest. ECG and jugular blood sampling for cortisol and hematology were done 10AM before and 5PM after the journey. Animals travelled standing with stocking density of about 0.5m2 per donkey. Serum cortisol (P < 0.001) and heart rates (P < 0.001) increased in all animals.  The length of PR, QT and RR intervals, P and T wave, and QRS complex decreased (P < 0.05). All donkeys showed increased QRS complex and T waves amplitude following the trip. Sinus arrhythmias were the only irregularity observed on the ECG traces both pre and post road journey. All donkeys had significantly higher packed cell volume, monocytes and basophils after transport. These results show that live transport affects cortisol, ECG and hematological values in donkeys regardless of interspecies (domestic and miniature) variations.


Keywords: Road journey, hematological, electrocardiographic parameter, normal sized and miniature donkeys.