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Online Journal of Bioinformatics©


Volume 10 (1):156-164, 2009

DyeML: XML-based format for handling natural organic dyes


Aghoutane B1, Benslimane R1, Chenfour N1, Elbannay O1, Meknassi M2


1Laboratoire de Transmission et Traitement de l’information (LTTI), Ecole Supérieure de Technologie and 2UFR Informatique Avancée, Faculté des sciences Dhar el mehraz, Fez, Morocco



Aghoutane B, Benslimane R, Chenfour N,  Elbannay O, Meknassi M, DyeML: XML-based format for handling natural organic dyes, Online J Bioinformatics, 10 (1):156-164, 2009. A vast amount of information about natural organic pigment has been acquired, stored and displayed in varied formats through different resources. However, there is no standard format for organizing this information or agreement on machine-readable format(s) for data storage and exchange. In this paper, we present a new XML-based format entitled DyeML for handling natural organic dyes data. An XML schema has been developed for DyeML to allow document validation and the use of data links. These documents can be optimised for a variety of purposes (screen display or printing) by single stylesheet transformations. In order to provide user with a complete and extensible toolkit for handling natural organic dyes a software application has also been developed.


Keywords: natural organic dye, XML, XML schema, XSL, software application, Eclipse RCP