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 Online Journal of Veterinary Research©


Volume 10 (2):117-120, 2009. Editors redaction 2017.

Hematology of Haemoproteus sp. in Philippine Scops (Otus megalotis) and Eagle Owls (Bubo philippensis)


Bandoy DD.


Agricultural Science and Technology Department, University of the Philippines Rural High School, College of Arts and Sciences, University of the Philippines, Los Baños.




Bandoy DD, Haemoproteus sp. in Philippine Scops Owl (Otus megalotis) and Philippine Eagle Owl (Bubo philippensis), Onl J Vet Res, 13 (1):117-120, 2009. The hematological values of Philippine Scops Owl (Otus megalotis) and Philippine Eagle Owl (Bubo philippensis ) infected with Haemoproteus sp. were determined. There was a significant increase in the heterophils and decrease in lymphocytes in Otus megalotis infected with Haemoproteus sp . The increase in heterophils and decrease in lymphocyte, typical for avian species under stress, suggests a possibility of owls in immunocompromised conditions being more likely to be infected with Haemoproteus sp. MAIN


Keywords: owls, Haemoproteus sp., hematological values, Bubo philippensis, Otus megalotis