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Online Journal of Bioinformatics ©

Volume 13 (1):103-119, 2012

 EST secretome analysis of Radopholus similis nematode.


Sangeetha K.1, Rosana O. Babu1*, Santhosh J. Eapen2


1Bioinformatics Center, 2 Division of crop protection, Indian Institute of Spices Research, Calicut, Kerala, India.




Sangeetha K, Babu RO, Eapen SJ., EST secretome analysis of Radopholus similis nematode. Online J Bioinform., 13 (1):103-119, 2012. Plant parasitic nematodes excrete or secrete (ES) various types of molecules in host plants. The secretome of Radopholus similis could identify drug targets and biomarkers for diagnostics or nematode survival factors. Patterns of gene annotation and functional diversity of excretory/secretory proteins of burrowing nematode (R. similis) were determined. Two hundred fourteen secretory proteins of R similis were identified. Forty six percent of gene ontology terms were associated with biological processes, 38% with molecular function and 16% with cellular components. InterProScan revealed EGF and IGFBP like domains. The role of hypothetical proteins involved in signaling, metabolic and degradative pathways and those preserved for R. similis species are described.


Keywords: Radopholus similis, secretome analysis, Expressed Sequence Tags